• В этом материале речь пойдет о возможности работать в Антарктиде в составе годичной экспедиции на Украинской Антарктической Станции «Академик Вернадский». Полярная станция «Академик Вернадский» (остров Галиндез,... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 8025
    views: 172514
    Volodymyr Goinyk
  • 10 апреля 2010 года в Киеве по улице Мельникова, 4 прошла толока у памятника погибшим велосипедистам. Именно здесь, 9 июня 2008 года, пьяный водитель сбил насмерть молодого студента Алексея Башкирцева. "Машину жалко"... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 1894
    views: 29336
    Tags: ecology, Kiev
    Volodymyr Goinyk
  •     ( Read more )
    Сomments: 2222
    views: 25752
    Tags: Kiev, stool
    Volodymyr Goinyk
  • Antarctica Antarctica Man who smiled 19.03.2010

    This post is only available in the original Ukrainian language HERE ( Read more )
    Сomments: 3248
    views: 73634
    Volodymyr Goinyk
  • This post is only available in the original Russian language HERE ( Read more )
    Сomments: 1630
    views: 21712
    Tags: Arctica, people
    Volodymyr Goinyk
  • The first three months at the 13th Ukrainian Antarctic expedition at the station "Akademik Vernadsky". This is not video, but a very rapid slideshow, so excuse me if it is a little difficult to watch ) ( Read more )
    Сomments: 7
    views: 14084
    Pavlo Voznyuk
  • A video about stool shares on rafts with «Breakfast at Inter» ( Read more )
    Сomments: 6541
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    Tags: stool, video
    Pavlo Voznyuk
  • Ukraine With stool on bottles by Ukraine rivers На плотах! 7.09.2009

    Фотоотчет о табурете на плотах ( Read more )
    Сomments: 1883
    views: 24024
    Tags: stool, trip
    Pavlo Voznyuk
  • Что собой представляет сегодняшняя Беларусь? Осовремененный Советский Союз, во главе которого восседает единый монарх. «Ленины» никуда не делись, а всё также уныло громоздятся на каждом углу практически любого населённого... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 16
    views: 14009
    Tags: trip
    Volodymyr Goinyk
  • Осмотр используемой в поездке техники. Суб-Ноутбук ASUS Deluxe U2E, Нетбук ASUS Eee PC 1000HE, Комуникаторы ASUS P552w и P750, Фотоаппарат Canon EOS 40D, Объективы Canon Zoom Lens EF 17-40mm 1:4 L USM, EF 70-200mm... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 13
    views: 12519
    Tags: technics, trip
    Volodymyr Goinyk
  • Saturday August 22 after a brief press conference, under the arch of Friendship of Nations, all interested persons to gather in Kiev plastic bottles were divided into three groups. One group went to Trukhanov Island,... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 26
    views: 10112
    Tags: ecology, Kiev, stool
    Pavlo Voznyuk
  • 29-30 August, a fusion of the Seim and Desna rivers to raft out of plastic bottles. Route: from Baturin to Kiev. Press conference devoted to this event, held in Kiev on Saturday, August 22 at 11:00, under the arch... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 3530
    views: 156490
    Pavlo Voznyuk
  • Interview on MTV 17.08.2009

    See us at the MTV  channel (Ukraine) on August 19. From 14:00 to 19:00 will be short interviews — we tells about past and future bike trips. ( Read more )
    Сomments: 1913
    views: 22029
    Tags: media
    Pavlo Voznyuk
  • Belarus Belarus 6.08.2009

    На протяжении всего маршрута по Белоруссии, изо дня в день нас преследовали дожди. Складывалось впечатление, будто братская страна нам не такая уж и братская. Большую часть времени технику приходилось держать в AquaPack-х... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 1967
    views: 24973
    Tags: arrival, trip
    Volodymyr Goinyk
  • Belarus Belarus 6.08.2009

    Павел вынужден был вернутся в Киев еще на границе Украина/Белорусь. Причина - путешествие в Тибет, которое готовилось на протяжении последнего года. По первоначальному плану ЭКО-экспедиция была запланирована на две... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 6459
    views: 60581
    Tags: trip
    Volodymyr Goinyk
  • On July, 15th.Sinkovka - Terehovka (32 km)1st day in Belarus. In connection with a delay at customs, we have crossed border only in the late evening. Having passed practically nothing, we have been compelled will... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 2878
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    Tags: trip
    Volodymyr Goinyk
  • Ukraine Border 15.07.2009 18.07.2009

    Тяжким тягарем лягли останні події на наші плечі: після важкої ночі в Щорсі ми вирушили на м. Городня з якого планували дістатись до контрольно-пропускного пункту в с. Деревини, й так би воно й сталось, якби не виявилось,... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 31
    views: 11884
    Tags: trip
    Volodymyr Goinyk
  • Now we in the city of Schors, near the river of Dreams. The general passed way - 360 km. To border with Belarus there were 60 kilometres.Average speed of movement for all time of travel has made 60 km / day. It is... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 8
    views: 12732
    Tags: trip
    Pavlo Voznyuk
  • Ukraine Obirok island 9.07.2009

    For the second day of travel there was an unexpected change of a route. Instead of the planned journey through Chernigov, have made a hook in 100 kilometres, having visited in art eko-settlements "island Obirok"... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 2685
    views: 42268
    Pavlo Voznyuk
  • On Monday on July, 6th the command from four persons, has left Kiev to Minsk. The trip purpose - as much as possible to approach way conditions to round-the-world expedition on the bicycles which beginning is planned... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 27
    views: 18088
    Pavlo Voznyuk
  • As is well known routes may sometimes lie in a deserted field and this means that you need to take a stock of products so that they do not fall off their feet drag on the first day and that there is no grass in the... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 5464
    views: 60525
    Volodymyr Glebov
  • We can not help to paraphrase a famous phrase to read, - «healthy spirit - a healthy body». So, having met the spirit, realizing that the path length of 20 200km this clear challenge to our physical... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 2880
    views: 89579
    Sergiy Sheiko
  • The second phase of the project  'Flip the World' has already begun. Our work continious with world bicycle trip in 2009-2010 years. The project will demonstrate a real opportunity to use modern technology wich... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 2270
    views: 23606
    Volodymyr Goinyk
  • «Green Trip» 30.04.2009

    After we have left ice continent it was difficult for all members of the expedition to acclimatizate. Our souls were brighten up and then shindy of megapolises brought them into the dirt again. Many streets in Kiev... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 12441
    views: 122704
    Volodymyr Goinyk
  • Concluded the first phase of the project 'Flip the World': Part 1 2008-2009: Antarctica Today XIII Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition, wich left a forteen month retreat in the ice of the 6th continents behind, has... ( Read more )
    Сomments: 2371
    views: 30635
    Volodymyr Goinyk
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