Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica, the Ukrainian station "Akademik Vernadsky" 26.02.2010

Pavlo Voznyuk

The first three months at the 13th Ukrainian Antarctic expedition at the station "Akademik Vernadsky".
This is not video, but a very rapid slideshow, so excuse me if it is a little difficult to watch )

Photographed Volodymyr Goynik.
The song "Vernadsky station" wrote the czech Daniel, traveling alone on the yacht last 5 years. At Vernadsky him so much that he stayed with us for about a week, and a few months and wrote this song.

Tags: Antarctica, video
Соля01.03.2010 13:59
Крышу не снесло от впечатлений? )
Володимир Гойник14.04.2010 22:36
Відірвало, та викинуло геть
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